Several of my ancestors were soldiers in the Revolution and at least one of them fought in the battles at the end of 1776. A recent New England Historical Genealogical Society's newsletter contained a link to the non-profit Friends of Valley Forge Park. The Friends of Valley Forge maintain a database of soldiers who served in Valley Forge2. Valley Forge Muster Rolls Amos Fox is listed in their database.
My 4th great-grandfather, Amos Fox, was from Connecticut and had served in the Revolution. His wife was Mary Stratton, and Dency was his oldest daughter. Chester (my 3rd great-grandfather) was his youngest child and second son with that name. The birth and death dates match the records that I have uncovered. Pension files obtained from the National Archives for the time period verify that Amos Fox served under Col. Jedediah Huntington at this particular time in history. Oddly, the pension files mention several battles that Amos would have fought under Col. Huntington (later General Huntington), but the files do not mention Valley Forge or the Battle of Trenton. But it would appear that soldiers serving under General Huntington were at Valley Forge. Amos Fox was discharged from the service in January 1777 in Crumpond, New York, which is about midway between New Jersey and his hometown of Glastonbury.
So was Amos the ancestor that my mother mentioned? I had assumed that it was one of the Pennsylvanian ancestors but it appears to be my Connecticut ancestor.
So was Amos the ancestor that my mother mentioned? I had assumed that it was one of the Pennsylvanian ancestors but it appears to be my Connecticut ancestor.
2. "Valley Forge Muster Roll." 2010. 2 Mar. 2014 <>